Ministrica mr. sc. Grabar-Kitarović predvodila izaslanstvo Republike Hrvatske na sastanku Kvadrilaterale u Budimpešti

Ministrica vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija mr. sc. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, predvodila je danas, 13. svibnja 2005. godine, izaslanstvo Republike Hrvatske na sastanku Kvadrilaterale u Budimpešti. Izaslanstva Republike Mađarske i Slovenije predvodili su ministri vanjskih poslova dr. Ferenc Somogyi i dr. Dimitrij Rupel, a Talijanske Republike državni podtajnik u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Talijanske Republike, Roberto Antonione

Ministri vanjskih poslova usvojili su Budimpeštansku deklaraciju u kojoj se ističe podrška država Kvadrilaterale što skorijem početku pregovora Republike Hrvatske o članstvu u Europskoj uniji. Deklaracijom je istaknuta važna uloga Radne skupine u procesu pripreme za konačnu odluku Europske unije kao i uloga Europske unije i NATO-a u osiguranju trajne stabilnosti, sigurnosti i napretka Jugoistočne Europe.

Ministri vanjskih poslova su na sastanku razmotrili aktivnosti Kvadrilaterale te je Deklaracijom istaknuta uloga procesa euroatlantskog integriranja za stanje u Jugoistočnoj Europi te ocijenjeno stanje u SiCG, kao i napredak Makedonije i Bosne i Hercegovine u procesu euroatlantskog integriranja. Na sastanku su istaknuti prioriteti suradnje s državama Kvadrilaterale, kao što su sudjelovanje Republike Hrvatske u multinacionalnoj vojnoj postrojbi Kvadrilaterale za očuvanje mira i akcije humanitarne pomoći; uključivanje država Jugoistočne Europe u paneuropsku transportnu mrežu; suradnja sjevernojadranskih luka Trsta, Kopra i Rijeke; suradnja u zaštiti okoliša; zajednički projekti regionalnog razvoja; suradnja u malom i srednjem poduzetništvu, regionalnom razvoju, turizmu, znanosti i tehnologiji te u programima zapošljavanja, zdravstva i razmjena studenata.

Ministrica mr. sc. Grabar Kitarović održala je tijekom zasjedanja Kvadrilaterale odvojene sastanke s mađarskim ministrom vanjskih poslova dr. Ferencom Somogyijem. U razgovoru je potvrđena mađarska potpora skorom početku pregovora i pozitivno ocijenjena primjena Akcijskog plana. Razmotreno je stanje i perspektive odnosa u široj regiji Jugoistočne Europe i uloga Europske unije, kao i susjednih zemalja u daljnjoj stabilizaciji prilika. Zajednički je ocijenjeno da su uzajamni odnosi dviju zemalja iznimno razvijeni i pozdravljen je dogovor o jačanju gospodarske suradnje u okviru Mješovite komisije.

U razgovoru ministrice mr. sc. Kolinde Grabar-Kitarović sa slovenskim ministrom vanjskih poslova dr. Dimitrijem Rupelom također je iskazana aktivna potpora Slovenije svim naporima koje provodi hrvatska Vlada, kroz Akcijski plan, kroz suradnju s Međunarodnim kaznenim tribunalom u Haagu i Radnom skupinom na osiguranju što skorijeg početka pregovora, što je, prema riječima dr. Rupela, strateški interes Slovenije. U razgovoru dvoje ministara posvećena je pozornost i pojedinim aktualnim pitanjima međusobnih odnosa uz obostranu ocjenu da manje i lokalne nesporazume treba rješavati u duhu širih i trajnih interesa dviju zemalja. Dogovoren je nastavak dijaloga o tim pitanjima na razini državnih tajnika.

U razgovoru ministrice mr. sc. Grabar-Kitarović s državnim podtajnikom u talijanskom Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Robertom Antonioneom, potvrđena je potpora Italije hrvatskim naporima u suradnji s Međunarodnim kaznenim tribunalom u Haagu. U razgovoru su potvrđeni dobri bilateralni odnosi dviju zemalja među kojima postoji stalan dijalog. Ministrica mr. sc. Grabar-Kitarović pozdravila je talijansko predsjedanje Kvadrilateralom u idućem razdoblju.

U nastavku donosimo izvorni tekst zajedničke deklaracije predstavnika Kvadrilaterale na engleskom jeziku:

Declaration of the Quadrilaterale Foreign Ministerial Meeting
Budapest, 13 May 2005

The Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Hungary met in Budapest on 13 May 2005 to overview their cooperation during the Hungarian Chairmanship of the Q4, to assess the process of Euro-Atlantic integration in the Western Balkans and to coordinate their policies with a view to further enhance the prospects for a successful integration for the whole region.

The Ministers welcomed the progress achieved within the framework of the Q4, especially in the areas of transportation and infrastructure development, justice and home affairs, including combating organized crime, customs cooperation, promotion of the safety of tourists, and IT cooperation, as set forth in the priorities by the Hungarian Chairmanship. They noted that both the objectives and the practical results of Q4 cooperation perfectly fit into, and form an integral part of both the integration efforts into the EU and NATO, and their own regional cooperation.

They also took positive note of the work done towards the enlargement of the Multinational Land Force (MLF) and the elaboration of the Enlargement Policy Paper that outlines the terms of enhanced cooperation with Austria and Croatia in this field. Ministers expressed their commitment to continue to promote these two countries’ accession to the MLF as full-fledged members in a way that also takes into account the need to ensure the proper operational effectiveness of the multinational Battle Group that Hungary, Italy and Slovenia committed themselves within the EU to set up by 2007 on the basis of the MLF.

They stressed that the EU’s Thessaloniki Agenda and SAP process, as well as NATO’s open door policy are powerful incentives for Euro-Atlantic integration that offers a secure and prosperous future for the whole region. While noting that both EU and NATO have to offer a feasible and realistic roadmap to membership, with adequate support, the main responsibility lies with the countries of the region themselves. They are called, inter alia, to speed up internal reforms and to be ready and willing to fulfill all the criteria of membership, without exceptions. The conditions that candidates are expected to meet apply equally to everyone of them both in the EU and the NATO context.

The Ministers underlined the importance of generating and maintaining broad public support in all countries of the region for integration related efforts as a necessary ingredient of success on the path towards reforms. In that context they expressed support for bilateral and regional initiatives, such as the Szeged Process that are aimed at promoting this endeavour.

The Ministers pointed out that regional cooperative mechanisms, like the Q4 serve to underpin with concrete projects the same philosophy of Euro-Atlantic integration, to involve regional partners and friends into projects that translate into practice the future cooperative endeavours in a larger context. They welcomed therefore the decision of the General Affairs and External Relations Council to adopt the negotiating framework for Croatia, as a testimony of the EU’s readiness to embrace this country. In this context, they expressed their hope that the accession negotiations with Croatia will soon be launched. The Ministers welcomed EU’s decision to set up the Task Force and agreed that the EU, as a whole should assess the real facts of Croatian cooperation comprehensively, being aware of the likely implications of a decision on the start of the accession negotiations with Croatia, for the country and beyond. During the meeting, the need to cooperate fully with ICTY was reiterated, as a key benchmark that applies to all countries of the region.

The Ministers strongly stressed the need for the EU and NATO to remain engaged and committed to the future stability and prosperity of the Western Balkans. They welcomed Croatia’s active participation in the Membership Action Plan (MAP). They underlined in this context that all countries of the region have a place also in NATO, once they meet the conditions for membership. They pledged to work towards this end, bearing also in mind that the Atlantic Alliance still has an important mission in the region, both militarily and politically, to secure the transformation of the region, in close cooperation with the European Union.

Participants welcomed the progress achieved by several countries of the region within the Stabilization and Association Process. The European Commission’s positive evaluation of Serbia-Montenegro’s performance, and the Feasibility Study provide prospects with a new dynamics that have to be utilized. The Communication from the Commission on “A European Future for Kosovo” is also a useful guide to meet the most important challenges hindering positive changes there. The Ministers pointed out that it is the responsibility of the European Union to make integration perspectives more feasible by securing adequate resources to help making the region’s economies sustainable, to prevent the replacement of a culture of dependency by a culture of failed states and rampant crime and corruption. Political changes have a security and an economic dimension as well, and both have to be taken duly into account.

The Ministers stressed the importance of the overall reform process and the strengthening of the rule of law in (the Former Yugoslav Republic of) Macedonia, and in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Ministers also praised Skopje’s determination to implement fully the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Their real achievements should be reflected in their progress in integration.

The Q4 Foreign Ministers expressed their thanks and appreciation to the outgoing Hungarian Chairmanship, and assured the incoming Italian Chairmanship of their continuing support. They reiterated their commitment to further enhance their fruitful cooperation.
