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Opening of the exhibition ''''Croatian Archaeological Heritage'''' at the European Union House,18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, DublinOpening of the exhibition ''Croatian Archaeological Heritage'' at the European Union House,18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Dublin In celebration of the signature of the Accession Treaty of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, the ''Croatian Archaeological Heritage'' exhibition was opened on 13th December 2011 at the European Union House, 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Dublin. The exhibition was organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Dublin, the Department for Culture, Independent Service for Croats Abroad and Culture of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and the European Commission Representation in Ireland.13.12.2011. | Press releases
The exhibition ''''Croatian Archaeological Heritage''''The exhibition ''Croatian Archaeological Heritage'' will be displayed from December 14th unitl December 20th 2011 at the European Union House,18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Dublin To celebrate the signature of the Accession Treaty of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Dublin and the European Commission Representation in Ireland are organizing the ''Croatian Archaeological Heritage'' exhibition, which will be displayed from December 14th 2011 at the European Union House in Dublin. Visitors will be able to view the exhibition at the European Union House, at the address: 18 Dawson Street, Dublin 2, Dublin, free of charge until December 20th 201101.12.2011. | Press releases
Monika Leskovar cello recitalTo mark the closing of accession negotiations of the Republic of Croatia with the European Union and the forthcoming signature of the Accession Treaty of the Republic of Croatia to the European Union, a cello recital by the renowned Croatian cellist, Ms Monika Leskovar was organised on 22nd November 2011 at the National Concert Hall in Dublin. Ms Leskovar was accompanied by pianist Ms Ivana švarc Grenda.22.11.2011. | Press releases
Participation of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ireland in the 6th International Charity BazaarParticipation of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ireland in the 6th International Charity Bazaar Dublin – ICBD On Sunday, 13th November 2011, the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Ireland participated in the traditional, 6th International Charity Bazaar Dublin – ICBD, which was, organised by the diplomatic corps in Ireland and volunteers of Ireland and held at premises of the hotel ''Burlington'' in Dublin14.11.2011. | Press releases
manifestation Books Beyond BordersBooks Beyond Borders Within the manifestation Books Beyond Borders, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Austria and the National Library of Ireland from October 21st until October 22nd 2011, the Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, Ms Jasna Ognjanovac presented to the auditorium of Dublin elementary school students and the representatives of the National Library of Ireland on October 21st 2011 at the National Library of Ireland the collection of stories by the renowned Croatian children's books author Ivana Brlic Mažuranic ,,Tales of long ago''. In addition to the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia, a number of Embassies resident in Ireland participated in this manifestation.22.10.2011. | Press releases
Delegation of Croatian parliamentFollowing an invitation by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on European Union Affairs, Joe Costello T.D., the Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament and the Chairman of the Committee on European integration of the Croatian parliament, Neven Mimica accompanied by a delegation comprising Croatian parliament deputies Marija Pejcinovic Buric and Tanja Vrbat, visited Ireland from the 25th until the 28th September 2011.29.09.2011. | Press releases
official visit Bebic, PusicFollowing an invitation by the Ceann Comhairle of Dáil Éireann, Seán Barrett T.D., the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament, Mr Luka Bebic came for an official visit to Ireland from 7th until the 9th September 2011. He was accompanied by a parliamentary delegation comprising the president of the National committee for monitoring of accession negotiations of Croatia with the European Union, Ms Vesna Pusic and Croatian Parliament deputies, Mr Mirando Mrsic and Mr Jerko Rošin09.09.2011. | Press releases
The opening of the Contemporary Croatian Jewellery exhibition in DublinOn the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Crafts Council of Ireland and 2011 Year of Craft, the Contemporary Croatian Jewellery exhibition of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia was opened on 8th June 2011 at the Rubicon Gallery, at 10 Saint Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Dublin.09.06.2011. | Press releases
exhibition ''''Contemporary Croatian Jewellery''''Organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia to Ireland, Dublin and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and in cooperation with the Crafts Council of Ireland, on the occasion of the celebration of forty years of the existence of the Crafts Council of Ireland and 2011 Year of Craft, the exhibition 'Contemporary Croatian Jewellery' will be displayed in Dublin The exhibition will be officially opened on Wednesday, 8 June 2011 at 6 pm at the Rubicon gallery, 10 Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin | Press releases
The ,,Zoranic Choir ‘’ performed on Monday, May 16th 2011The ,,Zoranic Choir ‘' from Zadar, Croatia, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Dublin, performed on Monday, May 16th 2011, at 6 pm, at Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church (The Whitefriar Street Church) The ,, Zoranic Choir ‘' is a mixed choir boasting a repertoire of classical and contemporary Croatian and world renowned authors. It has collaborated with orchestras and numerous well-known organists and singers in Croatia and Europe and has won awards at national and international competitions.17.05.2011. | Press releases