Ministar savjetnik RH pri Ujedinjenim narodima Vice Skracic održao je govor na 5905. sjednici Vijeca sigurnosti na temu Medunarodnog kriminalnog suda u Darfuru.
Mr. President, I would like to welcome the ICC Prosecutor Mr. Moreno-Ocampo to the Security Council, and thank him for his briefing and detailed report. My delegation has listened carefully to the Prosecutor's message and he has left no doubt whom he believes is responsible for the situation in Darfur.
Croatia is very disappointed by the continued failure of the Government of Sudan to cooperate with the International Criminal Court.
The appointment of the indicted ICC fugitive Mr. Ahmed Muhammad Harun as a Minister of State for Humanitarian Affairs in the Government serves as the most tangible proof of this, and underlines a blatant disregard for the victims, but also for the Court, its Prosecutor – and not the least – this Council – that referred the situation in Sudan to the Court in its Chapter VII resolution 1593.
Considering the gravity and clarity of the Prosecutor's report my delegation is of the position that strong action by the Council is needed to solicit the cooperation of the Government of Sudan. We support the Costa Rican draft Presidential Statement as circulated and discussed, and we thank the delegation of Costa Rica for its timely preparation.
Mr. President, my delegation reiterates its dismay with this situation as was expressed by the EU statement on March 31 this year, and reiterates that the International Criminal Court is an essential means of promoting respect for international humanitarian law and human rights, thus contributing to freedom, security, justice and the rule of law, as well as contributing to the preservation of peace and the strengthening of international security.
We understand the sensitivities on the ground and the importance of keeping all tracks on the move, including the political one, but we strongly believe that there is no lasting and especially no comprehensive peace without justice. Allowing impunity to persist is not a prudent way to seek political settlements.
So, once again, we call on the Government of Sudan to comply with all UNSC resolutions, and to cooperate unconditionally with the ICC, as is requested in resolution 1593.
Finally, we would also like to reiterate the EU announcement that the Union will support further measures against those who bear responsibility for Sudan's failure to cooperate with the ICC, if this failure to cooperate continues.
Thank you, Mr. President.