Sp Vilović održao je govor tijekom rasprave OSUN-a o civilnim kapacitetima nakon završetka sukoba

Stalni predstavnik Republike Hrvatske pri Ujedinjenim narodima, veleposlanik Ranko Vilovic, održao je govor tijekom rasprave Opce skupštine Ujedinjenih naroda o civilnim kapacitetima nakon završetka sukoba

Mr. President, At the beginning, I would like to thank Mr. Secretary General for his inspiring presentation today and his report on civilian capacity in the aftermath of the conflict that we are discussing today. Croatia aligns itself with the statement previously delivered on behalf of the EU and I would like to briefly add few additional comments in my national capacity: 1. Croatia fully supports current efforts to broaden and deepen the pool of experts ready to help rebuild and transform national institutions in countries emerging from conflict. This institutional transformation, guided by national authorities and embracing all key elements of national fabric, is amongst the most important prerequisites for permanent recovery and sustainable peace in all conflict effected countries. 2. Croatia appreciates establishment of a broad and comprehensive process aimed at achieving best possible results in this crucial area. In that context, we particularly welcome recent launch of the online platform CAPMATCH, which should result in a new partnership among all relevant stakeholders, including non-governmental organizations. 3. It is particularly heartening to learn of a strong support to the Platform from the Global South, Croatia strongly believes that the right understanding of context and circumstances of the conflict, gained, inter alia, through similar experience, should significantly increase prospects for success in this important undertaking. 4. Croatia supported CAPMATCH project from the very beginning and will continue to do so by offering its vast experience in post-conflict reconstruction and state-building. Our three ministries, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of War Veterans, provided its inputs to the Platform and we intend to follow this path in the future. We are currently developing a national register of civilian capacities which will, once established, significantly improve rapidness, nimbleness and diversity of our engagement. 5. Croatia attaches particular importance to the activities of the PBC and PBF in this context, in particular as regards the delivery of predictable and sustainable funding for civilian expertise engagement: At the same time, we strongly support institutional cooperation on identifying and overcoming future challenges. 6. Finally, Mr.President, as we pointed out many times during our previous debates on peacebuilding and related issue, Croatia attaches crucial importance to the issues of effective coordination and mutual cooperation between of all relevant stakeholders in peacebuilding efforts, especially in current times of austerity and scarce resources. Thank you, Mr. President.
