State Secretary Metelko-Zgombić attends GAC

State Secretary for Europe Andreja Metelko-Zgombić on Tuesday in Brussels attended a meeting of the General Affairs Council.
The Council discussed a request by Spain to include Catalan, Basque and Galician in Regulation No 1/1958, which governs the EU’s language regime. The Council had a constructive exchange and decided to continue working on the request by Spain to amend Regulation No 1.
The Commission presented its letter of intent, setting out the main elements guiding the preparation of the 2024 Commission work programme. Ministers exchanged views on the initiatives envisaged by the Commission. Metelko-Zgombić reflected on the acts and initiatives of importance to Croatia. Croatia strongly supports enlargement as a strategic priority of the EU based on individual achievements and implemented reforms. It is crucial to finalize the work on green, energy and digital transition, as well as to reach an agreement on the Migration and Asylum Pact. The state secretary underscored the issue of demographic revitalization in light of strengthening Europe’s competitiveness and resilience, as well as the importance of cohesion policy.
The Council started preparations for the European Council meeting on 26 and 27 October 2023 by discussing an annotated draft agenda.
Metelko-Zgombić welcomed the focus on Ukraine and underlined the importance of continued support to the country in all aspects. Given that demining is a key aspect of post-war reconstruction and revitalization, she pointed out that the International Conference on Demining will be held on 11 and 12 October in Zagreb. The state secretary supported additional financial allocations under the revised MFF for the Western Balkan countries and migration.
As part of the annual rule of law dialogue, ministers held a horizontal discussion on key developments related to the rule of law in the EU member states. Metelko-Zgombić emphasized the importance of that instrument, which should remain rooted in the principles of equality and objectivity, with a strong preventive dimension. Ministers also exchanged views on the evaluation of the Council’s annual rule of law dialogue.
In addition, ministers held an informal exchange with the Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine, Olha Stefanishyna, on Ukraine’s reform agenda and European integration.

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