- Published: 06.03.2018.
Croatian Embassy at the tour of area surrounding the Gaza Strip
On 6 March 2018, Tina Krce, Chargée d"Affaires a.i. of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Israel, participated in a tour of the area surrounding the Gaza Strip for the heads of diplomatic missions in Israel. The tour was organized by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accompanied by the Deputy Foreign Minister Tzipi Hotovely.
During the tour, participants were introduced with the activities and functioning of the Kerem Shalom crossing, primarily for transportation of goods from and to the Gaza Strip, which is near the junction of Israel, Gaza Strip and Egypt, as well as with permanent threats to Israel from underground tunnels from the Gaza Strip, and other security challenges in the area.
In a meeting with the mayor of Sderot and city residents, in the center of Ela Abukasis in Sderot, they had opportunity to hear about the living conditions in the area close to the Gaza Strip, greatly affected by numerous security threats, in particular the painful testimony of the Abukasis family, whose daughter Ela died in a rocket attack on Sderot from the Gaza Strip, while saving her brother"s life.
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