„International Conference on Technical Inspection in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries - TIC 2018“, 22. – 23. listopada 2018. godine, Teheran, Iran

Konferencija naftne industrije „International Conference on Technical Inspection in the Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Industries - TIC 2018“ održavat će se od 22. do 23. listopada 2018. godine u Teheranu (IRIB International Conference Center).


IICIC, No. 4, 7 Floor, Mellat Tower, Vali e Asr St., Teheran, Iran

Telefon: +98 (21) 22037383, 22048859

Faks:       +98 (21) 22044769

Email:      secretariat@tic2018.com

IRSNT, Unit 20, No. 140, Nosrat St., Kargar Ave., Teheran, Iran

Telefon: +98 (21) 66911166, 66949151

Faks:       +98 (21) 66567328

Email:      info@irsnt.com

Web:       http://tic2018.com/en/