Stalni predstavnik pri Ujedinjenim narodima, veleposlanik Neven Jurica, održao je 19. ožujka 2008. godine govor u Vijecu sigurnosti UN-a pod tockom dnevnog reda "Prijetnje medunarodnom miru i sigurnosti uzrokovane teroristickim aktima".
Statement by
H.E. Neven Jurica
Permanent Representative of the Republic of Croatia to the United Nations
"Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts"
United Nations, New York
19 March 2008
Mr. President,
At the outset, I would like to thank Mr. Mike Smith, Executive Director of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate, for his comprehensive and informative briefing on the revised organizational plan of CTED.
Furthermore, Croatia is pleased to be a co-sponsor of the resolution to be adopted on the renewal of the mandate of CTED for the period up and until 31 December 2010.
Mr. President,
Terrorism is a serious threat to international peace and security, as it attempts to undermine the core values of the modern world. Terrorism poses a serious challenge to our security, to the basic principles of democratic societies and to the rights and freedoms of our citizens. Terrorist act are criminal in nature and cannot be justified under any circumstances. We appreciate all efforts in the global struggle against terrorism.
Since the beginning of this year, Croatia has had the privilege and responsibility of chairing the Counter Terrorism Committee, which was established in the immediate aftermath of the devastating terrorist attacks against not only the United States but the whole democratic world on 11 September 2001. The mandate of the Committee is to monitor implementation of resolutions 1373 and 1624, to provide advice to Member States regarding the implementation of their provisions and to help States receive the necessary technical assistance to reinforce their counter-terrorism measures and initiatives. Therefore, the meeting today has particular significance, as the new resolution not only charts the way forward for CTED, but also outlines the basic parameters for the Committee's activities in the future.
In this respect, I would like to emphasize that CTED plays a crucial supporting role in fulfilling the mandate of the Counter-Terrorism Committee. I would like to express my gratitude for the excellent cooperation we have received so far from the Executive Director and his team. In the coming months, the Committee should finalize the process of adopting the remaining Preliminary Implementation Assessments, so that ultimately every Member State of the UN receives a standardized evaluation of its counter-terrorism performance. We believe that by working in a collaborative manner, the Committee and CTED could increase the effectiveness of this important subsidiary body and reinvigorate the operations of the Security Council in this area.
Croatian delegation welcomes the proposal in the revised organizational plan to develop a comprehensive strategy to engage with donors who are active in the counter-terrorism field, but also to intensify tailored dialogue with recipient countries with a view of identifying their counter-terrorism needs. Facilitating technical assistance is one of the most efficient ways of improving counter-terrorism capacity. It is also instrumental in raising the visibility of Security Council's engagement in this area.
Mr. President,
Terrorism is a common threat which can be successfully suppressed only by working together. We support the call for enhanced cooperation with international, regional and sub-regional organizations, but also reiterate the need for regular experience and expertise sharing with relevant counter-terrorism experts. In this context, let me inform you that Croatia is active in various international counter-terrorism arrangements, and a Croatian representative is currently chairing the Council of Europe's Committee of Experts on Terrorism (CODEXTER).
As the Counter-Terrorism Committee moves towards its seventh anniversary, we must acknowledge that the struggle against international terrorism is still ongoing. We have achieved commendable results, especially in increased cooperation and information sharing, but terrorist groups are finding ways to adjust, to use more advanced methods in recruiting new members and in carrying out their terrorist acts. The responsibility of the Security Council and the Committee is to make sure everyone remains vigilant in addressing this threat, but also to explain what ideas and values we stand for and what results have been achieved so far.
Thank you, Mr. President.