UN Security Council Debate on Kosovo

Veleposlanik Ranko Vilovic, privremeni otpravnik poslova Stalne misije RH pri Ujedinjenim narodima, održao je govor na javnoj raspravi Vijeca sigurnosti UN-a o stanju na Kosovu.

Mr. President, I would like to welcome the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Vuk Jeremic as well as the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Kosovo H.E. Skender Hyseini to the chamber and to thank them for their statements. We also welcome Special Representative of the Secretary General Lamberto Zanier, and thank him for his comments and tireless work. Mr. President, Croatia welcomes the continued and steady progress that Kosovo is making along its path of creating a stabile, secure and democratic society, while simultaneously strengthening both its economic and developmental capacities. Notwithstanding some minor incidents, Croatia welcomes the Secretary-General's assessment that the overall security situation in Kosovo is stable. Croatia would like to commend UNMIK for the, as stated by the Secretary General, “effective and useful role in mediating between communities, and promoting practical arrangements that can benefit both Priština and Belgrade”. We believe that this in itself confirms the indispensable role that UNMIK plays in Kosovo, particularly on issues of external relations and international legal assistance, and we would call on all parties to continue to cooperate with SRSG Zannier and his team in an effective and efficient manner. Croatia welcomes the full deployment of the European Union Rule of Law Mission – EULEX – on April 6 this year, to which Croatia also contributes, and would like to use this opportunity to commend its leadership and other contributing countries for their efforts. Finally, we want to acknowledge the efforts made on the question of the reconstruction of cultural property and the issue of returns. Further progress in this field remains a question of critical importance. We look forward to common success in developing a vibrant, plural and democratic society in Kosovo, strengthened by its commitment to the values of peace, tolerance, human and minority rights, dialogue and cooperation.
