High-Level Event on the Way Towards Sustainable Peace and Security

Govor predsjednika Vlade Republike Hrvatske Zorana Milanovica na Sastanku na visokoj razini o izgradnji mira - Put ka održivom miru i sigurnosti

Dear Madam Chair, Dear Mr. Secretary-General, Ladies and gentlemen, Let me begin by thanking Bangladesh for organizing this high level event, and for their leadership of the Peacebuilding Commission. It is our privilege to hold one of the Commission's Vice-chairs. Madam Chair, Over the past six years, the Commission has undoubtedly established itself as the point of convergence between different organs of the United Nations in the Peacebuilding Architecture. The Commission has brought together key stakeholders in marshaling of resources, providing political support to countries on its agenda, and fostering coherence and coordination among all relevant actors within and outside UN system. And, Madam Chair, as we all know very well, what counts the most, is the impact on the ground. In that context, I would like to appreciate significant achievements of the country specific configurations, which obviously represent the heart and soul of the Commission and its greatest potential. We strongly believe that the membership in the configurations should come with responsibility and that configurations' members should not evade specific responsibilities, ranging from political to financial assistance, and full support to the configurations' chairs. At the same time, it is fair to say that the Commission is still in search for its rightful place and full application. Obviously, much still needs be done in order to make optimal use of this unique instrument. In that regard, we should start from the PBC's clearly defined mandate and set realistic expectations. Madam Chair, Contemporary post-conflict peacebuilding has been established on generally accepted principles, which my country wholeheartedly supports. But, in order to be able to live up to these principles we have to create appropriate conditions for their implementation. In that operation, we should base our efforts on the important Review of the United Nations Peacebuilding Architecture undertaken in 2010. Starting from many valuable recommendations, I would extract the following areas as calling for our particular attention aimed at strengthening our existing engagement and mutual vision: Firstly, further improvement of coordination and coherence, as well as introduction of clear division of labor between key stakeholders in order to avert duplication and maximize output. Secondly, emphasis on a timely, sustainable and predictable financing, including strengthening the synergy between the Commission and the Peacebuilding Fund, interaction with international financial institutions and vigorous exploration of new resource mobilization avenues including much higher engagement of non-traditional donors. And finally, further clarification of relationship between the Commission and the main United Nations bodies, especially Security Council, as well as continuation of the discussion on important relationship between the Commission and the United Nations presence on the ground. At the same time, Madam Chair, let us not forget that the primary responsibility for peacebuilding rests with post-conflict Governments themselves. Forging more effective partnership with those countries, including through constant efforts aimed at building their national capacity constitutes the foundation of the future success. We should attentively listen to what they have to say, especially regarding re-examining the ways of international engagement and forging more effective partnership in situation of fragility and conflict. A newly established partnership on that basis, greatly consistent with the PBC and broader UN reform efforts, firmly puts national Governments in the driver's seat, reaffirming, at the same time, crucial concepts of credibility, effectiveness, accountability and responsibility. Madam Chair, Let me conclude by reiterating Croatia's strong commitment to the work and functioning of the UN Peacebuilding Architecture and its strengthening with necessary instruments and expertise. This, as we all know, requires political will and genuine commitment by individual governments and the UN system as a whole, the allocation of adequate resources and readiness for long-term engagement. My country stands ready to assume its responsibility for creating more relevant, better performing and more empowered peacebuilding structures. Thank you.
