The State Secretary for European Integration, Andrej Plenković, met the Head of the Delegation of the European Union in the Republic of Croatia, Ambassador Paul Vandoren on Tuesday, 6 April 2010.

At the meeting they discussed the progress in Croatian accession negotiations and the upcoming Intergovernmental Conference scheduled for 19 April of this year. They also emphasised the progress achieved so far in the context of the opening of Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights and Chapter 8 – Competition.

State Secretary Plenković expressed his strong conviction that the technical part of accession negotiations would be completed by the end of this year and emphasised Croatia’s commitment to continue with the implementation of all remaining reforms necessary to fulfil the criteria for full membership of the European Union. Ambassador Vandoren also expressed his full support to the Republic of Croatia in the implementation of the necessary reforms for the purpose of accession to the European Union in the nearest future.

The two parties exchanged information on activities carried out so far in relation to the implementation of the Communication Strategy aimed at Informing the Croatian Public about the European Union and Preparations for EU Membership. They also discussed the planned activities that will take place next month as part of the Europe Week and the commemoration of the Europe Day.

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