The opening of international workshop Training for National Reconciliation, Transitional Justice, and the Building of the Culture of Peace

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, in co-operation with the UN Peace-Keeping Operations Department, opened in Zagreb, 24 April 2006, the international workshop entitled Training for National Reconciliation, Transitional Justice, and the Building of the Culture of Peace

The workshop was opened by Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Pjer šimunović. Taking part at the workshop, which will last until 28 April, will be 20 attendees with experience in the UN peace-keeping operations (representatives of the OHCHR - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNDP - United Nations Development Programme, UNMIK - United Nations Mission in Kosovo, MINUSTAH - United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, Amnesty International, ICTJ - International Center for Transitional Justice, DPKO - Department for Peacekeeping Operations), with three representatives from the Croatian Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Interior Affairs, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration.

The goal of the workshop is to draw up standard material from the field of transitional justice, national reconciliation and the building of the culture of peace, for the purposes of training the participants of the UN peace-keeping operations.

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