State Secretary Pejčinović Burić took part in presentation of research project results

State Secretary for European Integration Marija Pejčinović Burić took part in the presentation of the results of the research project entitled “Estimation of the Expected Benefits and Expenses of Croatia’s EU Accession”, held 16 July 2007 at the Zagreb Institute of Economics

State Secretary Pejčinović Burić pointed out that the basic goal of the project was to identify and quantitatively evaluate to expected economic effects of Croatia’s EU accession. The project is also important from the aspect of assisting the negotiation teams in preparing the analytical basis during the negotiation process, said State Secretary Pejčinović Burić, adding the Croatian Government, as the project’s initiator, entrusted the MFAEI with co-ordinating the drafting of the study. The study was drafted by the Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business, which involved in different working groups various Croatian institutions and scientists.

The project was presented by Head of the Zagreb Institute of Economics Sandra Švaljek. The presentation saw representatives of the relevant Croatian institutions and state administration bodies.

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