State Secretary Davor Božinović represented Croatia at CoE ministerial meeting in Madrid

The meeting marked the 60th anniversary of CoE as the oldest European organization

State Secretary Božinović said that during the 60 years of its existence the Council of Europe had become a synonym for human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe, and as such had greatly contributed to the European democratic processes. He stressed the importance of the existence of the common European values where unresolved conflicts affect the stability of the European continent.

He particularly emphasized the need for joint action in combating new threats to the common solidarity and individual rights, such as the current economic crisis. He called for the adoption of measures which would unburden the European Court of Human Rights – a body acting as the ultimate protector of human rights for 800 million people.

State Secretary Božinović noted Croatia’s active role in the protection of women’s rights and called for the adoption of the first European Convention on preventing and combating violence against women. Speaking about the joint programs of CoE and the European Commission, he emphasized the importance of the Euro-integration process for the region of South Eastern Europe, recalling the role Croatia plays in that regard.

The ministers adopted a package of measures directed at increasing the processing capacity of the European Court of Human Rights and set the guidelines for further CoE activities in areas such as cooperation with the European Union and CoE role in the conflict in Georgia. The meeting also saw the transfer of presidency from Spain to Slovenia.

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