- Published: 27.03.2008.
Press release regarding Jutarnji List article from 27 March 2008

Regarding the article published in Jutarnji List on 27 March 2008 entitled “Investors in Croatia grapple with corruption”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to express its unpleasant surprise with the unfounded statements accusing the Ministry of untruthfully informing the public about Minister Jandroković’s visit to Austria and meeting with Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik
Regarding the article published in Jutarnji List on 27 March 2008 entitled “Investors in Croatia grapple with corruption”, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration would like to express its unpleasant surprise with the unfounded statements accusing the Ministry of untruthfully informing the public about Minister Jandroković’s visit to Austria and meeting with Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plassnik.
The source of the information stated in the article is unknown, especially for the part accusing the Ministry without valid arguments. The Croatian and Austrian foreign ministers have issued media statements, of which there is an audio recording best refuting the accusations.
The article’s authors have not contacted the Ministry’s Public Relations Department to confirm the correctness of published information.