Press Release 88/03

On Wednesday, 16 April 2003, at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Mr. Shojiro Imanishi, the Ambassador of Japan, concluded by an exchange of notes the Agreement on Certificate of Donation by the Government of Japan to the National and University Library in Zagreb for the acquisition of audio-visual equipment in the amount of 32.8 M yen.

The ceremony of the conclusion of the Agreement was attended by high representatives of the Croatian Government and institutions receiving this year's and last year's certificate of donation.

On behalf of the Croatian Government, Minister Picula expressed his gratitude to the Japanese Government and people for their strong interest in the development of Croatia and their significant contributions to the cultural and educational fields in the amount of 270 M yen, for the sixth year in succession. The Japanese Government has awarded the donation this year, the Japanese Ambassador pointed out, owing to the importance of the National and University Library for the preservation of the Croatian cultural heritage and knowledge for future generations.

Today's event is another important step in the development of Croatian-Japanese relations in the field of culture and education by which mutual efforts in the advancement of economic, cultural and scientific cooperation continue, as well as the overall friendly relations between the Republic of Croatia and Japan.

Press releases