Minister Picula received H.E. Shojiro Imanishi, the Japanese Ambassador

Mr. Tonino Picula, the Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs, received H.E. Shojiro Imanishi, the Japanese Ambassador, in a farewell visit to Zagreb on 16 April 2003. They talked about past bilateral relations between the Republic of Croatia and Japan and the prospects of further development of relations between the two states.

Minister Picula said that further cooperation between the Republic of Croatia and Japan will be intensive and of good quality owing to the efforts and activities of the Ambassador Imanishi and acknowledged his work in laying good foundations for the development of relations. The Minister agreed with the Japanese Ambassador that mutual official visits of officials and experts should be more frequent, as personal contacts are the best way for diversifying and enriching relations between the states.

Ambassador Imanishi added that the Republic of Croatia is on the right path for joining the European Union and NATO. Minister Picula expressed his satisfaction that Ambassador Imanishi has got to know Croatia and may now see it in a better light, and thanked him once again for his exceptional and friendly efforts for the benefit of Croatia.

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