Pope Benedict XVI awarded Croatian Ambassador to Holy See Emilijo Marin with medal of Knight Grand Cross of First Class of Order of Pius IX

On the occasion of marking the second anniversary of his election as the head of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Benedict XVI awarded Croatian Ambassador to the Holy See Emilijo Marin with the medal of the Knight Grand Cross of the First Class of the Order of Pius IX (Ordo Pianus)

Ambassador Marin received the high award as a public acknowledgement of his merits, reads the diploma for the medal.

On the occasion of the handing of the award, which exists since 1847, State Secretary of His Holiness, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, stated that with this act “the High Priest wanted not only to honour the country you have been representing for more than two years, but offer also a testimony to the respect he has for you personally”.

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