Ministry hosts seminar on EU internal market

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs 14 May hosted a seminar on “The EU Internal Market: Governance and Legislative Challenges

The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs 14 May hosted a seminar on “The EU Internal Market: Governance and Legislative Challenges” for civil servants engaged in European affairs and legal segments of the EU single market. The seminar was held on the initiative of European Commissioner the Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier and organized by the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for the Internal Market and Services. Experts from the EC shared the latest on the internal market development, transposing the acquis from that area to national legislatures of the member countries and the EC control, including acquis violations.

Assistant Minister for European Affairs Hrvoje Marušić greeted the attendees and wished them a successful discussion. Director for European Affairs Maja Bakran Marcich delivered an address underlining the importance of the internal market, as Croatia’s upcoming EU membership will provide Croatian businessmen access to a market of 500 million people. Croatia is strongly committed to a full integration into the EU internal market from the very onset of accession. Education of this kind as well as cooperation with the EC is extremely important so that Croatia’s state administration could be fully prepared to meet all of the integration challenges.  

The EC experts held a seminar at the Croatian Chamber of Economy for the business sector, titled “The EU Services for Easier Business on the Internal Market”, organized by the Croatian Chamber of Economy/Business Information Centre and the Ministry of Economy. The seminar included presentation of the EU services or tools aimed at facilitating doing business and quicker problem solving for legal and natural persons.

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