Minister Pusić: Croatia contributing to Europe's energy security

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić, participating in a panel discussion at the 51st Munich Security Conference, said that Croatia was a country that was contributing to Europe's energy security

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić, participating in a panel discussion at the 51st Munich Security Conference, said that Croatia was a country that was contributing to Europe's energy security. Pusić familiarized the participants in the BMW Foundation Hebert Quandt’s discussion on “Rethinking Energy Security: Independence in an Interdependent World” with Croatia’s energy situation, notably the LNG terminal, research and exploitation in the Adriatic, as well as the planned Adriatic-Ionian pipeline. "This was emphasised as one of the points which, for Europe, means de facto turning towards a different energy policy. Croatia was highlighted as an example of a country contributing not only to its own, but to the security of central Europe and to Europe's energy security," Pusić said.

Pusić also held talks with Iraqi Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani. Croatia is part of the international coalition helping the government in Baghdad and the Peshmerga forces in the fight against Islamic State. "We talked about the state of that fight, his estimate of the situation and a possible victory in this unusual, unprecedented situation," Pusić said, adding that Barzani told her that Kurdistan was liberated. "In his assessment, Kurdistan was liberated, but it will take a lot more effort to defeat Islamic State," she said.

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