Minister Ohlsson: Sweden an advocate of enlargement and Croatia

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 29 May met with Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Brigitte Ohlsson, who was visiting the region

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 29 May met with Swedish Minister for EU Affairs Brigitte Ohlsson, who was visiting the region. Pusić said that Sweden had helped Croatia during the key moments of accession, namely when the negotiations came to a halt and a solution had to be found, which Croatia remembers and appreciates.

Sweden has been an advocate of the enlargement and Croatia’s EU membership since the very beginning, Ohlsson said, adding that “apart from becoming an EU member, Croatia is also a model for other countries in the region. We have high expectations of Croatia to open the way for neighbouring countries.”

The two ministers also discussed the situation in the region, while the Swedish side was familiarized with the Centre of Excellence, cross-border programmes and other forms of EU-related cooperation with countries in the region.

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