Minister Pusić attends meeting of Foreign Affairs Council

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 27 May in Brussels attended a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council, whose key topic was Syria

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 27 May in Brussels attended a meeting of the Foreign Affairs Council, whose key topic was Syria. The ministers welcomed the US-Russia initiative for a peace conference on Syria, based on the Geneva conclusions from 30 June 2012. The existing restrictive measures against Syria were extended to one year, while the EU member states pledged that they would not send weapons to Syrian insurgents. In light of the events in the field, the Council will return to the issue before the summer break. The other topics included the Common Security and Defence Policy, in the run-up to the European Council on defence in December 2013, as well as Mali, following the recent donor conference in support of the country’s sustainable recovery.  

Minister Pusić attended the opening of the headquarters of the European Foundation for Democracy and a ministerial dinner of EU member states and the candidate countries. 

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