Minister Gordan Jandroković participated in meeting of North Atlantic Council’s foreign ministers

In his speech, Minister Jandroković said that Croatia welcomed NATO partnerships’ receiving a prominent place in the draft of the new Strategic Concept

In his speech, Minister Jandroković said that Croatia welcomed NATO partnerships’ receiving a prominent place in the draft of the new Strategic Concept, pointing out that they offered a unique framework for political dialogue and practical cooperation with the countries and international factors important for the European and Euro-Atlantic security. As a country that has itself until recently been a NATO partner, Croatia can confirm the importance of such projects during the membership accession process, said the minister.

Talking about the relations between NATO and the EU, Minister Jandroković said that there was great potential and practical need for the further enhancement of their cooperation as natural partners sharing the same values. A stronger cooperation between NATO and the EU can have a positive effect on the implementation of future joint operations as well, said the minister.

He also pointed out the upswing in the NATO-Russia partnership. The planned joint overview will provide good basis for the direction of future actions. That is why it is all the more important to fill the cooperation with concrete projects and proposals, especially in areas of joint interest, said Minister Jandroković. He concluded with adding that the meeting of the NATO-Russia Council to be held during the coming Lisbon Summit, would also be an opportunity to validate the work thus far and strengthen the political dialogue between NATO and Russia at the highest level.

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