Minister Gordan Jandroković and Defence Minister Branko Vukelić participated in North Atlantic Council foreign and defence ministers meeting

In his comment on the draft of NATO’s new Strategic Concept, Minister Jandroković expressed satisfaction with the transparency of its drawing up process

In his comment on the draft of NATO’s new Strategic Concept, Minister Jandroković expressed satisfaction with the transparency of its drawing up process, which enabled all of the Alliance’s 28 members to contribute through active participation in the debate to the composing of a document that would provide strategic guidelines for the Alliance in the future.

Minister Jandroković also said that the draft of the Strategic Concept represented a fine balance between several of the key topics: joint defence and operations outside of the NATO area, old threats versus the new ones, nuclear strategy, and control over arms, disarmament and non-proliferation. As particularly important he pointed out the clear defining of the continuation of the “open door policy” and the role of NATO partnership.

The Republic of Croatia also sees the new Strategic Concept as a new incentive for joint defence projects and reform of NATO’s command structure, said Minister Jandroković, adding that the concept as such should serve two purposes – strategically lead the Alliance in the following decade and explain to the public, partners and the world as a whole NATO’s principal purpose and direction of its future activities.

He said that NATO was on the right path to achieve that, with further stimulus to be provided by the Lisbon summit slated for the following month.

Talking about the antimissile defence, Minister Jandroković pointed out that it could be effective only if accompanied by the security umbrella which NATO ensured for its European allies. He expressed hope that agreement on that issue would soon be reached, adding that this project was yet another possibility for strengthening the cooperation with Russia. He also emphasized the need for NATO’s civil dimension and a wider engagement in non-military areas.

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