Minister Gordan Jandroković met on margins of expanded ministerial meeting in Bratislava with Slovakian Foreign Minister Mikuláš Dzurinda

The ministers expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ very good and friendly relations, pointing out the numerous possibilities for further cooperation

The ministers expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ very good and friendly relations, pointing out the numerous possibilities for further cooperation. Minister Jandroković thanked Slovakia for its continuous support during Croatia’s EU talks and Minister Dzurinda for his personal contribution to Croatia’s accession process.

He recalled the participation of the delegation of the Slovakian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the previous week’s conference “Communicating Europe” in Zagreb, which had seen the presentation of Slovakia’s experiences from the Euro-integration process, especially in regard to implementing the communication strategy for informing the citizens about the EU.

The ministers described today’s meeting of the foreign ministers of the Visegrad Group and Southeast European countries as a clear signal of support for the EU’s policy of enlargement onto the countries of the region. Minister Jandroković once again thanked the Slovakian Visegrad Group’s presidency for making the support for the signing and ratification of Croatia’s Treaty of Accession one its priorities, as well as for emphasizing Croatia’s role in regard to the Euro-Atlantic perspective of the countries in the region.

The meeting also saw the exchange of opinions about the current situation in South Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the recently-held elections.

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