MFEA donation ceremony at Museum of Arts and Crafts

Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts 4 November hosted a ceremony at which the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs donated a set of Portuguese azulejos to the museum’s ceramics collection

Zagreb’s Museum of Arts and Crafts 4 November hosted a ceremony at which the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs donated a set of Portuguese azulejos to the museum’s ceramics collection.

The tiles were handed over to the museum’s director Miroslav Gašparović on behalf of the MFEA by Assistant Minister for European Affairs Maja Bakran Marcich, accompanied by Culture Minister Berislav Šipuš.

The donated azulejos come from the embassy of former Yugoslavia, allocated to Croatia during the diplomatic property succession. After the building was sold, some of the tiles, made during the golden age of azulejos in early 18th century, were transported to the Croatian Embassy in Lisbon, while the majority was donated to the Museum of Arts and Crafts, enriching the ceramics collection as one of the oldest museum collections numbering more than 8000 works. 

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