- Published: 25.05.2009.
MFAEI football team won 2nd place in 8th traditional football tournament commemorating deceased Spanish diplomat Francisco “Patxi” Azategui
Apart from the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to Croatia, which won the 1st place, the tournament saw the participation of representatives of the European Commission’s Delegation, embassies of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, the US, Spain, Ukraine, and the Central Finance and Contracting Agency, as well as friends of the deceased Spanish diplomat.
Uz Veleposlanstvo Republike Srbije u Republici Hrvatskoj, koje je osvojilo prvo mjesto, u turniru su sudjelovali i predstavnici Delegacije Europske komisije, Veleposlanstava Bosne i Hercegovine, Talijanske Republike, Savezne Republike Njemačke, Kraljevine Nizozemske, Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, Kraljevine Španjolske, Ukrajine, te Središnje državne agencije za financiranje i ugovaranje, kao i prijatelji preminulog španjolskog diplomata.