Larijani: Croatian-Iranian economic relations need to be strengthened

Minister Pusić wrapped her two-day official visit to Iran on Sunday by meeting with Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani

Minister Pusić wrapped her two-day official visit to Iran on Sunday by meeting with Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani. Today's meeting was the second between Pusić and Larijani. The first took place in Zagreb in October 2013.

He highlighted the very good Iranian-Croatian relations, saying it was necessary to intensify economic relations. Pusić said Croatia contributed to the fight against Islamic State in cooperation with the governments in Baghdad and Erbil.

Speaking of the nuclear negotiations, she said they were very important and that the progress so far gave hope in a positive outcome.

As for the economic relations between the two countries, she expressed satisfaction with the fact that Croatia's Adris tourism and tobacco group was already active in Iran, and said the rail infrastructure and the pharmaceutical industry were potential cooperation areas.

Pusić said that she and Zafir agreed to reactivate an Iranian-Croatian economic commission to encourage economic and trade relations.

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