Japanese FM Taro Kono visits Croatia

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman 14 August 2019 met with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, who was on a visit to Croatia

Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Gordan Grlić Radman 14 August 2019 met with Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, who was on a visit to Croatia.

The two officials expressed satisfaction with the very good and friendly bilateral relations between Croatia and Japan, as well as with the excellent parliamentary cooperation. They discussed the prospects of further strengthening the economic cooperation, which surely will be facilitated by the entry into force of the double taxation avoidance agreement between Croatia and Japan this September.

Grlić Radman encouraged Japanese investors to continue investing in Croatian economy, underlining that Croatia was committed to improving its business and investment climate. He thanked his Japanese counterpart for Japan’s strong support to Croatia’s OECD membership bid. Kono underscored the benefits of the EU-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement for the trade exchange between Croatian and Japanese companies, primarily small and mid-sized entrepreneurships. It is well known that 80% of Croatia’s tuna meat exports go to Japan, which is interested in importing other Croatian products as well, such as wine, oil, cheese, video games, neckties and applications.

Japan sees Croatia as a country that has risen from the war and achieved remarkable results, positioning itself on the map of Europe. As Japan shares the EU standards and values, it is willing to assist Croatia in promoting stabilization and lasting peace in Southeast Europe.

Grlić Radman and Kono also talked about topical global and regional matters of mutual interests, notably the EU enlargement, Croatia’s Council of the EU chairmanship and the biggest challenges of modern international politics.

The two ministers also reflected on the successful dialogue in the areas of culture, science, education, art and sports.


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