Croatian Ambassador to Japan Drago Štambuk met with JICA President Sadako Ogata

JICA President Ogata confirmed that the Croatian-Japanese relations are on a marked rise and that Croatia is justly one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan

JICA President Ogata confirmed that the Croatian-Japanese relations are on a marked rise and that Croatia is justly one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. She recalled her stay in Croatia during the Homeland War, when as the Un high commissioner for refugees she dealt with the issue of refugees and displaced persons.

Ambassador Štambuk and Sadako Ogata also discussed Croatia’s participation in NATO Alliance, as well as its EU membership negotiations.

Sadako Ogata is currently presiding over JICA, a state agency founded in 2003 with the aim of providing assistance to developing countries. It is through JICA that the Japanese Government’s official development assistance programs are being conducted.

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