Croatia-Montenegro talks on border crossings and cross-border traffic

Croatian and Montenegrin delegations met 18 April in Podgorica to continue to talks on adapting the treaties on border crossings and cross-border traffic began in Zagreb 14 February

Croatian and Montenegrin delegations met 18 April in Podgorica to continue the talks on adapting the treaties on border crossings and cross-border traffic began in Zagreb 14 February. Croatia two years ago proposed that new treaties be signed since as of the EU entry date the control over persons and goods crossing the border will need to be regulated in accordance with the EU standards. Said treaties are of the so-called “technical nature” because they regulate the rules and standards of persons and goods control, border crossing categories and border regime, i.e. elements that the two countries could agree on in a speedy fashion since they are in the interest of both their citizens.

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