Croatia and Portugal sign Convention on Avoiding Double Taxation

Deputy Minister Joško Klisović and Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs Bruno Maçaes signed on the fringes of Croatia Forum in Dubrovnik a Convention on Avoiding Double Taxation

Deputy Minister Joško Klisović and Portuguese Secretary of State for European Affairs Bruno Maçães signed on the fringes of Croatia Forum in Dubrovnik a Convention on Avoiding Double Taxation and Preventing Tax Evasion between the Republic of Croatia and the Portuguese Republic.

The Convention regulates the rights of signatory states to impose tax on certain types of transactions or, more precisely, avoid double taxation in that basis and determines the manner of data exchange between the two countries’ tax administrations, as well as conditions for a more favourable exchange of goods, services, labour and capital in terms of more favourable tax rates. The Convention facilitates mutual economic activities, offers greater security to companies and makes entrepreneurs’ work in both countries easier.

During the talks held before of the signing, Klisović and Maçães said there was interest in intensifying cooperation in various areas, notably tourism – and important economic branch in both countries. Portuguese companies have already expressed interest in the past in major construction and infrastructure projects in Croatia, while today they see the greatest potential for cooperation and investment in natural energy sources, environmental protection and exchange of experts as well. Klisović said our companies, already proven on foreign market, were interested in cooperation in IT industry with the Portuguese side. 

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