Ambassador Madey has signed the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on criminalisation...

In the presence of the Council of Europe Secretary General, Walter Schwimmer, Permanent Croatian Representative to the Council of Europe, Ambassador Neven Madey, has signed today, 26 March, the Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime on criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems. The Protocol extends the implementation of the existing Convention on Cybercrime (ratified by Croatia 17 October 2002) and facilitates co-operation on an international level.

This Protocol encompasses the provisions on the material law, legal proceedings, and international co-operation, covering the acts of distribution of racist and xenophobic material through computer systems. So far, the Protocol has been signed by 14 Member States and will come into effect when 5 States ratify it.

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