- Published: 30.04.2024.
Elections for Members of the European Parliament

In the Republic of South Africa, elections for members of the European Parliament will be held on Sunday, June 9, 2024, from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Pretoria (Ozmik House, Lynnwood Road 165, Brooklyn 0181, Pretoria)
Voters are informed that they can review, supplement and change the data entered in the voter register and submit a request for
• temporary registration in the register of voters outside the place of residence,
• issuance of a certificate for voting outside the place of residence,
• previous registration and
• active registration.
You can check your data entered in the voter register at the link: https://biraci.gov.hr/RegistarBiraca/
If you want to vote in the upcoming European Parliament Elections at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Pretoria, you need to make a previous/active registration.
The request for registration is submitted by filling out the registration form, which can be submitted no later than May 29, 2024, namely:
• in person at the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in Pretoria
• by mail, or
• by e-mail in pdf format to the e-mail address: croemb.pretoria@mvep.hr
See more about the elections in PUBLICATION:
You can read the official notification of the Ministry of Justice and Administration at the link below, where you can find more detailed information about the voting process: