Avian Flu Conference in Sharm

The Ministerial conference on Avian Flu was organized at Egyptian resort Sharm El Sheikh from 24th to 26th October 2008. Among the representatives from 125 countries were Minister of Agriculture, Fishery and Rural Development of the Republic of Croatia Mr. Božidar Pankretic.

The Ministerial conference on Avian Flu was organized at Egyptian resort Sharm El Sheikh from 24th to 26th October 2008. Among the representatives from 125 countries was also Minister of Agriculture, Fishery and Rural Development of the Republic of Croatia Mr. Božidar Pankretic. The conference was organized by the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, in cooperation with International Partnership for Bird and pandemic Influenza and European Union, as well as international organizations WHO, FAO and OIE. The aims of the conference were strengthening the partnership, global awareness and readiness for efficient action in cases of Avian flu outburst and possible human pandemic influenza. The importance of aid donations was stressed, especially to the underdeveloped countries. The Croatian delegation to the Conference was headed by Minister Pankretic and the ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Cairo Mr. Dražen Margeta.

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