Prime Minister Ponta: Welcome, Croatia with us! EU will be stronger

Prime Minister Ponta: Welcome, Croatia with us! EU will be stronger Croatia's access into the European Union is welcomed by the Romanian Government and the Prime Minister Victor Ponta considers that a European Union with 28 states will be stronger and better able to face the challenges that the future holds.

Prime Minister Ponta: Welcome, Croatia with us! EU will be stronger Croatia's access into the European Union is welcomed by the Romanian Government and the Prime Minister Victor Ponta considers that a European Union with 28 states will be stronger and better able to face the challenges that the future holds. "Today is a historic moment, a moment that marked enlargement of the EU accession of Croatia's Day July 1, 2013 will be remembered as an important signal Europeans on building our strength and future orientation of the Community. Romanian Government welcomes Croatia's integration into the European family, and as Prime Minister want to take this opportunity to express my belief that a European Union with 28 states will be stronger and better able to face the challenges that were serve the future" reads the message sent Monday by Prime Minister Victor Ponta the accession of Croatia to the European Union. The prime minister added that the 28th member will bring "added value of the European Union throughts rich culture throughts extraordinary people" and the strength to fight for policy innovation, sustainable economic growth and cohesion. "Welcome, Croatia, along with us" was the message of Prime minister.

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