The South-Eastern Europe Regional Ministerial Conference on

The Croatian Prime Minister Dr Ivo Sanader and Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor welcomed today in Zagreb the ministers, representatives of the Stability Pact and representatives of the Council of Europe participating in the work of the South-Eastern Europe Regional Ministerial Conference on "Effective Democratic Governance at Local and Regional Level"

In his welcome speech Dr Ivo Sanader said that the Government of the Republic of Croatia is resolved to train its own administration at all levels for membership of the European Union and that preparations are underway for the reform of local government and self-government which will include decentralisation of powers and then fiscal decentralisation. The goal is to transfer the responsibilities closer to citizens in order that they may feel part of the government. The Deputy Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor said that a citizen is the foundation of a genuine democracy and effective local government at local level makes it possible for citizens to participate in governance. After the addresses by Prime Minister Dr Sanader and Deputy Prime Minister Kosor, the Conference continued with a meeting of ministers from the Stability Pact countries, who exchanged experiences, shared their views on further activities by local and regional self-government, and considered the contribution of the international community to supporting effective democratic governance.

The Ministerial Conference in Zagreb closed today with the formal signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on Commitments aimed at ensuring effective democratic governance at local and regional level and the adoption of the Final Declaration of the ministers of the Stability Pact countries, representatives of the Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe and the Council of Europe.

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