- Published: 10.09.2003.
The International Conference of New and Restored Democracies began in Ulan Bator

On 10 September 2003, the International Conference of New and Restored Democracies began in Ulan Bator, capital of Mongolia, attended by high representatives from 120 states. The Croatian delegation, headed by Mr. Darko Bekić, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Croatia, and the Government of Mongolia, jointly prepared the Program for Development of the United Nations (UNDP).
In his address to participants of the Conference,
Mr. Darko Bekić emphasised that Croatia, after almost hundred years
of experience in various forms of authoritarian governments, command
economy and imposed wars, has finally began to develop the principles
and practice of democratic system and open economy. “The notion of democracy
in specific Croatian circumstances is derived from the basic truth that
each Government must attempt to live in peace not only with its neighbours,
but also with its own people”, Mr. Bekić stressed. “On this foundation,
Croatia develops democratic system which is not only a formal sum of
institutions, and practical participation of citizens in making vital
decisions, from local community to the highest national level.”