- Published: 19.05.2003.
The Days of the Croatian Film were held in Voivodina, from 12 - 16 May 2003...

The Days of the Croatian Film opened on 12 May 2003 at Bunjevačko kolo, the Croatian Cultural Centre in Subotica, by a monodrama Đuka Begović, interpreted by Ivo Grgurević. It terminated on 16 May 2003 in Novi Sad by a lecture of Ivo Škrabalo, film historian from Zagreb, and by showing his documentary film Slamarke divojke.
Six films of the recent Croatian production (1991 - 2002) were shown within this manifestation: Ne dao Bog većeg zla; Kraljica noći; Krhotine; Transatlantic; Rusko meso; and Blagajnica hoće ići na more.
By showing these films, the General Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Subotica assisted this project of the Croatian Emigration Institute, and Dr Jasmina Kovačević, Consul General of the Republic of Croatia, participated in press conferences and events related to this manifestation in all three cities in Voivodina.