Talks with CoE Parliamentary Assembly President on region and Southern Mediterranean

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 4 September met with President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Jean-Claude Mignon

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Vesna Pusić 4 September met with President of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CoE PA) Jean-Claude Mignon, who was on an official visit to Croatia.

Mignon presented the activities of CoE PA, pointing out as one of priorities the cooperation with the EU through joint projects on the promotion of democracy and protection of human rights.

The talks also addressed the frozen conflicts, which Mignon said represented a serious threat to the security, stability and human rights in Europe, adding that parliamentary democracy had a potential role seeking solutions to them.

“Croatia is crucial for strengthening the region's stability because as an EU member it is pulling the neighbouring countries towards the Union,” Mignon said, while Pusić stressed that cooperation with the region was one of Croatia’s foreign policy priorities.

According to Mignon, CoE wants to strengthen political engagement and promote the standards of democracy, rule of law and human rights in immediate neighbourhood as well, notably the Southern Mediterranean.

The two officials agreed that constructive political dialogue was crucial in preventing further violence, achieving sustainable stability as well as strengthening democratic processes and institutional capacities in the Southern Mediterranean countries. Pusić noted that “Croatia’s transitional and post-conflict experience could be of use in building institutions and strengthening democracy, rule of law and human rights there.”

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