Supported by Croatian Embassy to France, Croatian sculptor Hrvoje Dumančić held independent exhibition “Chevaux 9909”

The occasion was the marking of the artist’s 10-year anniversary of public work

The occasion was the marking of the artist’s 10-year anniversary of public work, while Saumur was chosen due to the artist’s close cooperation with France and the city itself, where Dumančić has already held several exhibitions and was on a study visit in 2003.

During the opening, which was also attended by the representatives from the Croatian Embassy, Saumur Mayor Michel Apchin tasked Dumančić with designing a monumental sculpture that would be placed in the city’s center.

Dumančić also signed a cooperation agreement with the prestigious Saumur “Galerie 49”, which mostly features international artists, and is currently displaying Dumančić’s sculptures. Dumančić plans to go on a study visit to Paris next year, where he would realize his next exhibition.

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