Stier meets with UN policewomen course participants, RACVIAC director

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Davor Ivo Stier 19 May 2017 visited the RACVIAC Center for Security Cooperation in Rakitje

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs Davor Ivo Stier 19 May 2017 visited the RACVIAC Center for Security Cooperation in Rakitje.

Stier met with policewomen from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Ukraine, participants in the UN course for female police peacekeepers, co-organized for the third year in a row by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of the Interior. Stier expressed satisfaction over yet another way in which Croatia supported women’s participation in peacekeeping missions and operations, underlining the importance of their role in building and preserving peace. He stressed in particular the importance of simultaneous courses for police officials and military observers, which contributes to the civilian-military synergy.

Stier especially thanks members of the Croatian army and police, without whose know-how and engagement the implementation of this course would not be possible. He also held talks with Ambassador Haydar Berk, the Director of RACVIAC, and underscored the significance of the only international organization on Croatia’s territory, which for a number of years has been successfully promoting security cooperation in the wider area of Southeast Europe. 

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