State Secretary Željko Kuprešak met with French State Secretary for European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet

State Secretary for European Integration Željko Kuprešak met 10 April 2008 in Zagreb with French State Secretary for European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet

During the working lunch as part of State Secretary Jouyet’s visit to Croatia, the two collocutors exchanged opinions about Croatia’s EU accession, the European future of the region, situation in South Eastern Europe, and current foreign policy topics.

Both sides confirmed that the two countries’ overall relations are constantly on the rise and that partnership level of co-operation had been reached in the issues of European integration, as well as in the process of region’s stabilisation.

State Secretary Kuprešak thanked France for its support, adding that Croatia keenly awaits France’s coming EU presidency in the second half of the year, especially in terms of Croatia’s accession negotiations and their dynamics. He also reported on the activities Croatia is undertaking with the aim of speeding up the negotiation and accession process, presenting the internal goals and deadlines, and pointing out the firm dedication to conducting the crucial reforms.

State Secretary Jouyet confirmed France’s unwavering support for Croatia’s membership, as well as to the further EU enlargement, reiterating that as the presiding country, France would pay special attention to Croatia’s accession negotiations. He pointed out that Croatia contributes to the stabilisation of the region and represent an example to other countries in the realisation of Euro-Atlantic ambitions.

Exchanging opinions about the current state of affairs in South Eastern Europe, the two collocutors emphasized the importance of maintaining a clear Euro-Atlantic perspective as the best incentive to realising permanent stability and further overall progress.

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