Minister Gordan Jandroković visited Germany, met with German Foreign Minister, Director of Foreign, Security and Defence Policy at Chancellor’s Office, Chairman of European Integration Committee, and Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee

Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Gordan Jandroković paid 10 April 2008 a working visit to the Federal Republic of Germany, where he met with a number of German officials - Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Director of Foreign, Security and Defence Policy at Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Office Christoph Heusgen, Chairman of the European Integration Committee Gunther Krichbaum, and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Ruprecht Polenz

In the meeting with Minister Steinmeier, both sides expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ traditionally very good and friendly relations. Minister Jandroković thanked Minister Steinmeier for the strong and continuous support for Croatia in its Euro-Atlantic integration process, as well as for recognising the importance of Croatia’s leading role in South Eastern Europe and the responsibility Croatia has shown towards other countries in the regions. In that regard, he pointed out that last week’s NATO membership invitation is yet another confirmation of the credibility of Croatia’s foreign policy.

Minister Jandroković said that Germany’s support for further EU enlargement onto Croatia and other countries of South Eastern Europe is encouraging, which is the best guarantee of peace and stability in the region. In that regard, he stated his conviction that the German support will fall short in this crucial period for Croatia either, when the negotiation dynamic is expected to pick up speed and the negotiations themselves to end by fall 2009. He expressed Croatia’s firm dedication towards a speedy carrying out of the necessary economic, state administration and public procurement reforms, and enhancing the fight against corruption.

The two ministers also discussed the situation in South Eastern Europe, emphasizing the importance of establishing a lasting peace and sustainable security and stability in the region. They agreed that Croatia, through its reform approach and the results in approaching the Euro-Atlantic integration, holds a leading position in the region, and as such can serve as a positive example for countries which have yet to cross that path. The two ministers also stated their expectations that the coming parliamentary elections in Serbia would see the victory of reformist political forces that will lead the country onto a path of EU accession.

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