State Secretary Pejčinović Burić opened Trilateral Meeting on Cross-Border Co-operation between Croatia, BH and SMN

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration organised yesterday, 19 April 2006, the Trilateral Meeting on Cross-Border Co-operation between the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia and Montenegro

The meeting was opened by State Secretary Marija Pejčinović Burić and saw, apart from the representatives of MFAEI and the Ministry of Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development, the representatives of the BH Direction for European Integration, the Serbian Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations and the Montenegrin Ministry for International Economic Relations and European Integration, as well as the representatives of the European Commission’s Delegation from Zagreb and Sarajevo, and the representatives of the European Reconstruction Agency from Podgorica.

The aim of the meeting was to exchange information and agree on the ways of cross-border co-operation within the EU funds (CARDS and PHARE), through developing projects in the border region with the neighbouring partners. The meeting also discussed the need to develop bilateral cross-border programs as a precondition for using the means from the IPA program (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) for the 2007-2013 period. The parties agreed upon the future dynamics of the co-operation program development and the guidelines for future joint activities.

One of the meeting’s topics was examining the possibilities of joint co-operation on the Sava River basin.

The next meeting is scheduled to be held during May in Zagreb.

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