State Secretary Gordan Bakota present at the handing over of Serbian and Montenegrin embassy in Paris

State Secretary at the Croatian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gordan Bakota was present today, 13 August 2004, on behalf of the MFA and the Croatian government, at the handing over of Serbian and Montenegrin embassy in Paris, that became a Croatian property based on the Succession Agreement between the states of the former SFRY

The Succession Agreement was signed between Croatia and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia on 29 June 2001 in Vienna. On 3 may 2004, Croatia submitted a ratification document of the Succession Agreement between the five successor states of the former SFRY before the UN in New York, thus meeting all of the preconditions for the Agreement to come into effect. The Agreement deals with the division of rights, obligations, property and debts of the former state between the five successor states. Based on the Agreement, Croatia took over today the said embassy. Negotiations on the division of the remaining property will continue in the fall.

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