State Secretary Davor Božinović participated in ministerial meeting of US-Adriatic Charter’s Partnership Council

State Secretary Davor Božinović participated in ministerial meeting of US-Adriatic Charter’s Partnership Council

The meeting confirmed the importance of the role the US-Adriatic Charter plays in strengthening the regional cooperation, building trust and stimulating the process of Euro-Atlantic integration, also confirming the mutual support and solidarity of the participant countries along their way to the Euro-Atlantic structures.

The participants commended Macedonia’s contribution, expressing expectation that it would soon become a NATO member. They also expressed support for Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro on their way to the Euro-Atlantic integration.

The meeting also pointed out the importance of the Declaration from the Strasbourg/Kehl Summit, which praised the excellent functioning of the KFOR mission and welcomed the deployment of the EU Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX).

The meeting’s participants also expressed firm belief that the Euro-Atlantic perspective of South Eastern Europe is the main driving force for carrying on with the national reforms and transformation processes in the region, as well as the principal stimulus for achieving a lasting political, social and economic stability.

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