State Secretary Davor Božinović held political consultations with Vilmos Szabó, Senior State Secretary at Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The collocutors expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ excellent relations, which can serve as an example of good-neighborly relations in the region and are being confirmed by the holding of joint sessions between the two governments

The collocutors expressed satisfaction with the two countries’ excellent relations, which can serve as an example of good-neighborly relations in the region and are being confirmed by the holding of joint sessions between the two governments.

State Secretary Božinović informed Senior State Secretary Szabó about the actualities regarding Croatia’s EU accession process, as well as about the strong political will and decisive efforts on the part of the Croatian Government to complete the negotiations as soon as possible. He thanked Hungary for the support to that end, pointing out the concrete initiatives though which Hungary is helping Croatia prepare itself best for the membership, and which will be particularly useful in the final stages of the negotiations. Croatia is especially pleased, said State Secretary Božinović, that Hungary has recognized the importance of regional projects as a common interest of all the countries in the region.

Senior State Secretary Szabó said Hungary advocates that Croatia be admitted into the EU as soon as possible, emphasizing that the Arbitration Agreement between Croatia and Slovenia represents an important step towards that. He commended the activities Croatia is undertaking to fulfill the remaining obligations, pointing out that it is important that Croatia’s achievements be evaluated appropriately. He said Hungary would continue to support Croatia on its path towards the EU and expressed his belief that already during the Spain-Belgium-Hungary trio EU presidency Croatia would have its representatives in the EU institutions.

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