- Published: 15.05.2018.
State Secretary Bušić attends opening of Croatian consulate in Vitez

State Secretary for Political Affairs Zdravka Bušić 15 May 2018 attended the ceremonious opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Vitez
State Secretary for Political Affairs Zdravka Bušić, accompanying Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović, Member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Čović and President of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Marinko Čavara, attended the ceremonious opening of the Consulate of the Republic of Croatia in Vitez 15 May 2018.
The Vitez consulate is one of two new consulates Croatia plans to open in BiH in 2018. It will cover 12 municipalities in central BiH. The other consulate is planned to be opened in Livno and will cover six municipalities of the Herzeg-Bosnian County.
The two consulates will provide consular services to more than 200,000 Croats living in said areas and represent concrete support to their surviving and staying in BiH.