State Secretary Biščević received to inaugural visit Slovenian Ambassador Milan Orožen Adamič

State Secretary for Political Affairs at the MFAEI Hido Biščević received today, 16 January 2006, to the inaugural visit the Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia, Milan Orožen Adamič

The two concluded that the two countries are tied by the rich tradition of neighbourly relations and friendship between the two nations. State Secretary Biščević thanked for Slovenia’s continual support to Croatia on its road to the EU.

As regards the outstanding issues between the two countries, State Secretary Biščević and Ambassador Adamič expressed readiness for the continuation of a constructive working dialogue. State Secretary Biščević reiterated that one-sidedness and prejudicing the solutions are not acceptable methods and do not help solve these issues, describing as unacceptable the Slovenian side’s practice of trying to annex the Savudrijska vala. In that regard, he handed him a note on the incident in which a shell farm along the Croatian coast was destroyed, and a reply to the Slovenian note on the sea management strategy.

State Secretary Biščević reiterated that Croatia remains a well-meaning, constructive, principled, and credible partner, and is awaiting Slovenia’s response to the proposition that the sea border issue be put before an international legal body.

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